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AI Makes Inroads in Construction

Artificial intelligence is here to stay, and the construction industry is no different than other industries in grappling with what that will mean for companies and their employees. Will it replace current workers whose jobs may become obsolete? Or usher in a hiring wave of professionals who are knowledgeable about how AI can streamline a field that is often slower than other industries in embracing technology? The jury is still out.

On one hand, AI promises to be a game-changer by reducing the time needed to finish construction projects. It could also see a reduction in human error that can result in wasted time and delays. On the other hand is the fear that AI will result in severe job losses as humans are replaced by machines. There is also the possibility that AI is not without its propensity for error and will still need human oversight, thereby negating the prediction of time and money saved.

The Promise of Transformation

Artificial intelligence is the new frontier in construction that promises to offer ways to increase productivity and performance. It will do this by blending computer technology with established data that can problem-solve and predict. It will also streamline construction processes which can result in better decision making and improved preconstruction planning.

For example, before construction even begins on a project, teams made up of different disciplines and expertise, including building owners, architects, engineers, contractors and product manufacturers, must collaborate in order to effectively plan the preconstruction process through its various phases. This preconstruction process is necessary to ensure that the project meets its deadlines and budget, and that the client is onboard with decisions made.

AI promises to streamline this preconstruction process by changing how the following phases are performed:

  • Pre-design: AI will be helpful in planning and developing conceptional designs, project planning and development, and feasibility studies by determining if the project is viable and by identifying and analyzing risks in financial data, market data, and data regarding potential impacts on the environment.
  • Design development: AI could play an important role in the project development process that includes architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing plans by providing new tools and techniques designed to improve efficiency and quality and shape decisions that need to be made regarding cost, energy efficiency and functionality.
  • Construction documents: During this phase of development of final construction documents, AI can automate the process of extracting, analyzing and processing data, thus saving time and resources often squandered via traditional methods such as manual data entry and spreadsheets.
  • Bidding and negotiation: In this important phase, AI can streamline the process of distributing plans to trades, contractors and manufacturers for bidding and negotiation, while automating repetitive tasks such as takeoffs and improving the speed in which decisions are made.
  • Permitting and approvals: AI can be used in the submission of construction documents to various government agencies for approval by validating building code compliances and managing the building permit process.
  • Finalize preconstruction: Preconstruction stages are often complex and involve the need for effective communications and collaborations among teams, and local and national regulations. During this phase, time and budget issues can make or break a construction project, but AI technology provides the ability to improve performance throughout the preconstruction process.

Once the preconstruction phase is completed, AI can be used to make sure construction projects proceed smoothly and on budget and on time. During the construction phase, AI can benefit the process in the following ways:

  • Maintenance: HVAC and electrical systems can be analyzed by AI to predict when maintenance is needed. If there are any problems, AI can warn employees and managers about possible equipment failures.
  • Site safety: Cameras and sensors powered by AI can monitor any safety hazards onsite, giving workers a heads up to potential dangers.
  • Robotics: 3D printing involving bricklaying, welding and building structures are some of the benefits of AI robotics.
  • Project management: The distribution of labor and materials can be enhanced by AI so that construction projects run more efficiently and are more cost-effective.
  • Quality control: AI can power on site cameras and sensors in order to oversee the quality of work being done, help identify defects, and alert workers to potential issues.
  • Building performance: AI has the ability to analyze data from building systems in order to improve energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and potential environmental defects in the design and construction.

AI’s Effect on Jobs and Projects

One of the fears about artificial intelligence is that it might result in massive layoffs or make some construction positions obsolete. Another question on the minds of many in the industry is will AI lead to lower pay?

Proponents of AI argue that the industry is dependent on worker knowledge that can only come from experience and education. AI also cannot replace human judgment or common sense. What will happen, however, is that some roles and responsibilities will change, but this can mean greater opportunities for employees, as well as companies, since clients may prefer those construction businesses that adopt technology that can streamline performances and make decisions based on data.

The fact is, construction has been one of the least technology-driven industries, with a stagnant productivity level. AI can increase efficiency, improve 3D modeling, and enhance employee experiences. It can also aid in sourcing the right products and materials, saving time for designers and architects. In addition, AI can reduce risk by identifying when certain products or materials are incompatible with various systems, thus reducing the need for costly reworks later on.

Other benefits of AI include improvements in decision making, such as systems that alert designers to a product’s features or availability, and enable employees to quickly access and analyze the industry’s massive amounts of data. These benefits can deliver improvements in energy usage, carbon calculations, and on-site safety and security. All of these enhancements still require human employees overseeing the information and making the final decisions.

AI Can Pick Up the Slack

The construction industry has suffered from severe worker shortages for years and the situation only promises to get worse as larger projects are projected across the country. Skilled labor is scarce, the workforce is aging and retiring with a lack of younger workers replacing the empty positions, and there is a greater and growing strain on materials that is made worse by a delayed supply chain.

AI can transform the industry by making it more attractive to a younger tech-driven generation, and by streamlining the construction process that is often bogged down by the many steps required in the pre-construction and construction processes. AI can also minimize safety issues by red flagging them before they happen, and it has the ability to highlight spending waste, optimize the use of resources, better manage timelines and deadlines, and improve efficiency.

AI can also be a game changer when it comes to building codes and permits because it can streamline the process by identifying relevant codes and the permits needed for individual stages of projects. In addition, it promises to create safer work environments by identifying safety hazards and project risks.

On the other hand, construction companies must perceive potential issues that AI can present, such as data privacy issues, technology costs, and the revamping of the construction culture.

Regardless of potential pros and cons, the projected future of AI in construction will be one of aggressive changes in business processes in ways that can only be currently imagined. Will it eliminate jobs? Yes, but the construction industry is already experiencing severe job shortages that aren’t being filled and, as a result, delay projects and thereby increase costs. AI promises to restructure the industry so that less people can do the jobs of many, but it is unlikely that it will ever replace the need for human beings at the helm. What it will do is reduce expensive errors, reduce employee injuries, and make operations more efficient and cost effective.

AI is now part of the industry landscape, but it is important to note that construction will always need highly skilled workers to monitor the processes, fact check and analyze the data, and understand what is needed at each stage of a construction project. This can make the industry an appealing career choice for a younger generation birthed on technology and ready for the challenge – and much needed in the field.

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